Period | Clock | Team | Text |
1 | 00:00 | UK | Mols, Casper at goalie for Kentucky |
1 | 00:00 | WVU | Lee, Jackson at goalie for West Virginia |
1 | 01:34 | UK | Shot by UKY Bjorgolfsson, Eythor. |
1 | 01:38 | UK | Corner kick [01:38]. |
1 | 02:12 | UK | Shot by UKY Mauriz, Enzo. |
1 | 02:38 | UK | Foul on Rodrigues, Lucca. |
1 | 03:27 | WVU | Foul on Dromers, Dyon. |
1 | 05:23 | WVU | Foul on Swiger, Ike. |
1 | 09:59 | WVU | Offside against West Virginia. |
1 | 10:38 | UK | Shot by UKY Grening, Casper. |
1 | 13:22 | WVU | Offside against West Virginia. |
1 | 14:15 | WVU | Corner kick [14:15]. |
1 | 15:41 | WVU | Shot by WVU Tsukada, Yutaro, out right. |
1 | 20:01 | WVU | Foul on Burchell, Adam. |
1 | 21:30 | UK | GOAL by UKY Grening, Casper. |
1 | 22:27 | UK | Shot by UKY Gutmann, Nick, bottom right, saved by Lee, Jackson. |
1 | 23:00 | UK | Foul on Miller, Max. |
1 | 28:59 | UK | Shot by UKY Bjorgolfsson, Eythor, out left. |
1 | 29:24 | UK | UKY substitution: Creek, Brennan for Gutmann, Nick. |
1 | 29:24 | UK | UKY substitution: Evans, Danny for Mauriz, Enzo. |
1 | 29:24 | UK | UKY substitution: Damge, Ben for Bjorgolfsson, Eythor. |
1 | 29:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Ors Navarro, Sergio for Swiger, Ike. |
1 | 29:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: McCormick, Luke for Burchell, Adam. |
1 | 30:22 | WVU | Corner kick [30:22]. |
1 | 33:59 | WVU | Shot by WVU Ors Navarro, Sergio, out top left. |
1 | 35:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Bourlot Jaeggi, Ciro for Caldeira, Marcus. |
1 | 40:34 | UK | Shot by UKY Damge, Ben, blocked. |
1 | 40:52 | UK | UKY substitution: Scharf, Justin for Grening, Casper. |
1 | 40:52 | UK | Corner kick [40:52]. |
1 | 42:05 | WVU | Foul on McCormick, Luke. |
1 | 42:52 | UK | Offside against Kentucky. |
1 | 43:23 | UK | Corner kick [43:23]. |
1 | 44:07 | UK | Foul on Creek, Brennan. |
1 | 45:00 | UK | End of period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | Start of 2nd period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | FOR WVU: , #1 Lee, Jackson, #3 Jorgensen, Frederik, #4 Denk Gracia, Aaron, #6 Dromers, Dyon, #7 Caldeira, Marcus, #8 Ollikainen, Otto, #13 Swiger, Ike, #17 Tsukada, Yutaro, #23 Baer, Ryan, #11 McCormick, Luke, #31 Thiesen, Bjarne. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | FOR UKY: , #1 Mols, Casper, #2 Screen, Robert, #3 Rodrigues, Lucca, #4 Grassow, Luis, #6 Soereide, Martin, #7 Gutmann, Nick, #9 Bjorgolfsson, Eythor, #8 Mauriz, Enzo, #10 Grening, Casper, #12 Holstad, Clay, #14 Miller, Max. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | UKY substitution: Gutmann, Nick for Creek, Brennan. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | UKY substitution: Bjorgolfsson, Eythor for Evans, Danny. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | UKY substitution: Mauriz, Enzo for Damge, Ben. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | UKY substitution: Grening, Casper for Scharf, Justin. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Caldeira, Marcus for Bourlot Jaeggi, Ciro. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Swiger, Ike for Ors Navarro, Sergio. |
2 | 45:48 | UK | Shot by UKY Gutmann, Nick, out top. |
2 | 50:08 | WVU | Shot by WVU Caldeira, Marcus, out top. |
2 | 52:19 | WVU | Foul on McCormick, Luke. |
2 | 56:21 | WVU | Foul on Denk Gracia, Aaron. |
2 | 57:36 | UK | Shot by UKY Grening, Casper, out top right. |
2 | 57:47 | WVU | WVU substitution: Burchell, Adam for Dromers, Dyon. |
2 | 59:37 | UK | Foul on Grening, Casper. |
2 | 63:14 | UK | UKY substitution: Damge, Ben for Mauriz, Enzo. |
2 | 63:14 | WVU | WVU substitution: Borneo, Elijah for Tsukada, Yutaro. |
2 | 64:24 | WVU | Offside against West Virginia. |
2 | 65:18 | WVU | Foul on McCormick, Luke. |
2 | 67:21 | UK | Foul on Grening, Casper. |
2 | 68:58 | UK | Foul on Bjorgolfsson, Eythor. |
2 | 70:49 | WVU | WVU substitution: Tsukada, Yutaro for Swiger, Ike. |
2 | 71:47 | WVU | Yellow card on WVU McCormick, Luke. |
2 | 71:47 | WVU | WVU substitution: Dromers, Dyon for McCormick, Luke. |
2 | 71:55 | UK | Corner kick [71:55]. |
2 | 72:57 | UK | UKY substitution: Mauriz, Enzo for Bjorgolfsson, Eythor. |
2 | 77:02 | UK | Shot by UKY Grening, Casper, bottom right, saved by Lee, Jackson. |
2 | 78:16 | UK | UKY substitution: Bjorgolfsson, Eythor for Damge, Ben. |
2 | 78:16 | WVU | WVU substitution: Swiger, Ike for Denk Gracia, Aaron. |
2 | 78:16 | WVU | WVU substitution: McCormick, Luke for Borneo, Elijah. |
2 | 80:27 | UK | GOAL by UKY Bjorgolfsson, Eythor Assist by Gutmann, Nick. |
2 | 80:27 | WVU | WVU substitution: Trethewey, Max for Dromers, Dyon. |
2 | 81:19 | UK | Shot by UKY Gutmann, Nick, bottom center, saved by Lee, Jackson. |
2 | 82:28 | UK | GOAL by UKY Mauriz, Enzo Assist by Gutmann, Nick. |
2 | 82:28 | WVU | WVU substitution: Denk Gracia, Aaron for Trethewey, Max. |
2 | 83:54 | UK | Shot by UKY Bjorgolfsson, Eythor, out top right. |
2 | 84:36 | WVU | Yellow card on WVU Burchell, Adam. |
2 | 85:10 | UK | Foul on Miller, Max. |
2 | 86:05 | UK | UKY substitution: Evans, Danny for Soereide, Martin. |
2 | 86:05 | UK | UKY substitution: Asensio, Trey for Gutmann, Nick. |
2 | 86:05 | UK | UKY substitution: Scharf, Justin for Bjorgolfsson, Eythor. |
2 | 86:05 | UK | UKY substitution: Damge, Ben for Grening, Casper. |
2 | 87:56 | UK | Offside against Kentucky. |
2 | 88:28 | UK | Foul on Evans, Danny. |
2 | 88:49 | WVU | Offside against West Virginia. |
2 | 89:35 | UK | Foul on Asensio, Trey. |
2 | 89:39 | WVU | Shot by WVU Tsukada, Yutaro, top woodwork. |
2 | 90:00 | UK | End of period [90:00]. |