Pitt vs West Virginia
October 13, 2010 at Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium, Morgantown, WV

Attendance: 1,470
Stadium: Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium
Goals by Period
West Virginia022
*1Hami Kara0000
*12Michael Whitaker0000
*13Terry Boland0000
*15Andy Kalas0000
*16Alex Harrison1000
*17Shane Flowers0000
*3Alex Grayson1000
*4Sam Luffy0000
*5Justin Boehm0000
*7Alex Betancourt1000
*8Joe Prince-Wright1000
 10Ryan Brode0000
 24Ryan McKenzie1100
 9Terry Akpua0000
*1Zach Johnson0000
*10Ruben Garrido2110
*11Peabo Doue3001
*13Raymon Gaddis0001
*15Uzi Tayou0000
*19Franck Tayou2000
*25Matt Drake0001
*26Allan Flott0000
*5Eric Schoenle1000
*7Travis Pittman1000
*9Shadow Sebele4210
 12Uwem Etuk0001
 16Alex Silva2000
 6Julio Arjona1100
1Hami Kara90:0022
1Zach Johnson90:0001
Shots By Period
West Virginia7916
Saves By Period
West Virginia101
Corner Kicks
West Virginia5611
West Virginia5510
Scoring Summary
#TimeTeamGoal ScorerAssistDescription
164:02WVURuben GarridoPeabo Doue, Matt DrakePass from 11 into the middle of the fiel
284:55WVUShadow SebeleUwem Etuk, Raymon GaddisBall brought up field by 12. Passed to 9
Cautions and ejections: none
Offsides: Pitt , West Virginia
100:00PittKARA, Hami at goalie for Pittsburgh.
100:00WVUJOHNSON, Zach at goalie for West Virginia.
102:16WVUCorner kick by WVU PITTMAN, Travis [02:16].
102:22WVUShot by WVU SCHOENLE, Eric WIDE.
105:15WVUShot by WVU SEBELE, Abel HIGH.
107:44WVUCorner kick by WVU PITTMAN, Travis [07:44].
108:57PittShot by PITT GRAYSON, Alex WIDE.
110:18WVUOffside against West Virginia.
113:12PittCorner kick by PITT GRAYSON, Alex [13:12].
115:53WVUWVU substitution: ARJONA, Julio for GARRIDO, Ruben.
117:06WVUCorner kick by WVU PITTMAN, Travis [17:06].
117:35WVUShot by WVU SEBELE, Abel, SAVE KARA, Hami.
119:46WVUShot by WVU ARJONA, Julio, SAVE KARA, Hami.
1 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
121:33PittCorner kick by PITT BETANCOURT, Alex [21:33].
1 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
1 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
1 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
127:53PittPITT substitution: AKPUA, Terry for BOLAND, Terry.
1 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
128:59PittShot by PITT BETANCOURT, Alex HIGH.
135:49WVUCorner kick by WVU SEBELE, Abel [35:49].
137:22WVUWVU substitution: SILVA, Alex for PITTMAN, Travis.
137:22WVUWVU substitution: ETUK, Uwem for ARJONA, Julio.
137:22PittPITT substitution: McKENZIE, Ryan for GRAYSON, Alex.
137:22PittPITT substitution: BRODE, Ryan for LUFFY, Sam.
141:05WVUShot by WVU DOUE, Moeryhan BLOCKED.
1 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
142:37WVUCorner kick by WVU SEBELE, Abel [42:37].
142:43WVUHeader Shot by WVU DOUE, Moeryhan WIDE.
143:24PittShot by PITT McKENZIE, Ryan, SAVE JOHNSON, Zach.
144:05WVUShot by WVU SILVA, Alex BLOCKED.
144:22WVUOffside against West Virginia.
145:00WVUEnd of period [45:00].
245:00WVUStart of 2nd period [45:00].
245:00PittFor PITT: #1 KARA, Hami, #15 KALAS, Andy, #3 GRAYSON, Alex, #7 BETANCOURT, Alex, #12 WHITAKER, Michael, #8 PRINCE-WRIGHT, Joe, #17 FLOWERS, Shane, #13 BOLAND, Terry, #5 BOEHM, Justin, #4 LUFFY, Sam, #16 HARRISON, Alex.
245:00WVUFor WVU: #1 JOHNSON, Zach, #25 DRAKE, Matt, #10 GARRIDO, Ruben, #7 PITTMAN, Travis, #9 SEBELE, Abel, #15 TAYOU, Uzi, #19 TAYOU, Franck, #11 DOUE, Moeryhan, #26 FLOTT, Allan, #13 GADDIS, Raymon, #5 SCHOENLE, Eric.
247:16WVUShot by WVU TAYOU, Franck WIDE.
251:16WVUCorner kick by WVU PITTMAN, Travis [51:16].
2 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
252:03WVUShot by WVU DOUE, Moeryhan WIDE.
2 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
253:06PittOffside against Pittsburgh.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
2 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
258:57PittShot by PITT HARRISON, Alex HIGH.
259:10WVUWVU substitution: SILVA, Alex for PITTMAN, Travis.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
264:02WVUGOAL by WVU GARRIDO, Ruben (FIRST GOAL), Assist by DOUE, Moeryhan and DRAKE, Matt, goal number 1 for season.
2 WVU*Pass from 11 into the middle of the field. 10 buried it into rt side.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
269:03WVUShot by WVU TAYOU, Franck WIDE.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
271:29WVUCorner kick by WVU SEBELE, Abel [71:29].
272:51WVUShot by WVU SEBELE, Abel WIDE.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
273:36WVUShot by WVU SILVA, Alex WIDE.
2 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
276:23WVUOffside against West Virginia.
277:22WVUCorner kick by WVU SEBELE, Abel [77:22].
277:40WVUShot by WVU GARRIDO, Ruben BLOCKED.
278:12WVUCorner kick by WVU SILVA, Alex [78:12].
278:38WVUCorner kick by WVU SILVA, Alex [78:38].
279:05PittPITT substitution: BOLAND, Terry for BRODE, Ryan.
279:05PittPITT substitution: LUFFY, Sam for BOEHM, Justin.
280:07WVUOffside against West Virginia.
2 WVUFoul on West Virginia.
282:56WVUWVU substitution: ETUK, Uwem for DOUE, Moeryhan.
284:55WVUGOAL by WVU SEBELE, Abel, Assist by ETUK, Uwem and GADDIS, Raymon, goal number 3 for season.
2 WVU*Ball brought up field by 12. Passed to 9 who had breakwaway.
2 PittFoul on Pittsburgh.
286:34WVUCorner kick by WVU PITTMAN, Travis [86:34].
290:00WVUShot by WVU PITTMAN, Travis WIDE.