Period | Clock | Team | Text |
1 | 00:00 | WF | Amanda Barasha at goalie for Wake Forest. |
1 | 00:00 | WVU | BECK, Mallory at goalie for WVU. |
1 | 00:00 | WVU | Start of 1st period [00:00]. |
1 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
1 | 04:31 | WF | Shot by WF Amy Smerdzinski BLOCKED. |
1 | 04:41 | WF | Shot by WF Maggie Horne, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
1 | 05:59 | WF | Shot by WF Jill Hutchinson HIGH. |
1 | 07:27 | WVU | Corner kick by WVU BONILLA, Kim. |
1 | 08:09 | WVU | Header Shot by WVU BLANK, Carolyn WIDE. |
1 | 13:01 | WVU | Offside against WVU. |
1 | | WVU | Foul on WVU. |
1 | | WVU | Foul on WVU. |
1 | 15:47 | WVU | GOAL by WVU EVERRETT, Deana (FIRST GOAL), Assist by CICCHINI, Amanda, goal number 4 for season. |
1 | | WVU | *long through ball up the middle |
1 | 15:47 | WF | WF substitution: Allie Sadow for Amanda Lebo. |
1 | 17:37 | WVU | Offside against WVU. |
1 | | WVU | Foul on WVU. |
1 | 25:41 | WVU | WVU substitution: HARRIS, Kiley for BONILLA, Kim. |
1 | 27:54 | WF | Shot by WF Samantha Germano, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
1 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
1 | 29:54 | WF | Shot by WF Jill Hutchinson WIDE. |
1 | 30:54 | WF | WF substitution: Sarah Winslow for Samantha Germano. |
1 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
1 | 34:15 | WVU | WVU substitution: MISCHLER, Megan for EVERRETT, Deana. |
1 | 35:02 | WVU | Header Shot by WVU DuCOTE, Lisa WIDE. |
1 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
1 | 37:06 | WVU | WVU substitution: FOWLER, Kelsey for DuCOTE, Lisa. |
1 | 38:27 | WVU | Shot by WVU KALLMAN, Krystle WIDE. |
1 | 40:13 | WF | WF substitution: Bess Harrington for Maggie Horne. |
1 | 41:22 | WF | WF substitution: Ashley Burney for Nichole Lecznar. |
1 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
1 | 45:00 | WVU | End of period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | Start of 2nd period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | For WVU: #1 BECK, Mallory, #4 BARNES, Greer, #6 BANKS, Ashley, #10 CICCHINI, Amanda, #12 RUSHTON, Robin, #15 EVERRETT, Deana, #20 KALLMAN, Krystle, #22 DuCOTE, Lisa, #28 COCCHI, Natalie, #31 BLANK, Carolyn, #14 HARRIS, Kiley. |
2 | 45:00 | WF | For WF: #12 Sarah Winslow, #20 Caitlin Farrell, #6 Kaley Fountain, #4 Jill Hutchinson, #21 Amy Smerdzinski, #2 Casey Lockhurst, #26 Megan Upchurch, #12 Sarah Winslow, #24 Laura Colven, #25 Christy Carter, #1 Laura Morse. |
2 | 45:24 | WF | Shot by WF Sarah Winslow, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
2 | 46:35 | WVU | Offside against WVU. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | | WVU | Foul on WVU. |
2 | 45:00 | WF | Laura Morse at goalie for Wake Forest. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 57:59 | WF | Shot by WF Jill Hutchinson, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
2 | 58:46 | WVU | Offside against WVU. |
2 | 60:55 | WF | Shot by WF Caitlin Farrell WIDE. |
2 | 62:14 | WF | GOAL by WF Jill Hutchinson, Assist by Kaley Fountain and Sarah Winslow, goal number 5 for season. |
2 | | WF | *cross to middle, one-touch goal |
2 | 62:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: MISCHLER, Megan for HARRIS, Kiley. |
2 | 62:24 | WF | WF substitution: Samantha Germano for Jill Hutchinson. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 68:09 | WF | WF substitution: Whitney Berry for Kaley Fountain. |
2 | 69:10 | WF | Shot by WF Samantha Germano, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 69:57 | WVU | Corner kick by WVU BANKS, Ashley. |
2 | 70:05 | WVU | WVU substitution: FOWLER, Kelsey for DuCOTE, Lisa. |
2 | 70:05 | WVU | WVU substitution: BONILLA, Kim for EVERRETT, Deana. |
2 | 70:26 | WF | WF substitution: Jill Hutchinson for Samantha Germano. |
2 | 71:55 | WVU | Yellow card on WVU KALLMAN, Krystle. |
2 | 73:14 | WVU | Shot by WVU RUSHTON, Robin HIGH. |
2 | 74:49 | WF | Shot by WF Whitney Berry WIDE. |
2 | 74:55 | WF | WF substitution: Kaley Fountain for Sarah Winslow. |
2 | 74:55 | WF | WF substitution: Allie Sadow for Caitlin Farrell. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 76:31 | WVU | Corner kick by WVU BONILLA, Kim. |
2 | 76:39 | WVU | WVU substitution: EVERRETT, Deana for MISCHLER, Megan. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 78:42 | WVU | WVU substitution: DuCOTE, Lisa for FOWLER, Kelsey. |
2 | 80:22 | WF | Shot by WF Whitney Berry WIDE. |
2 | 80:29 | WF | WF substitution: Sarah Winslow for Whitney Berry. |
2 | 80:56 | WVU | Offside against WVU. |
2 | 81:19 | WF | Shot by WF Jill Hutchinson BLOCKED. |
2 | 81:30 | WVU | Shot by WVU BONILLA, Kim BLOCKED. |
2 | 81:44 | WVU | Shot by WVU DuCOTE, Lisa BLOCKED. |
2 | 81:50 | WVU | Shot by WVU BLANK, Carolyn, SAVE Laura Morse. |
2 | 82:06 | WVU | WVU substitution: HARRIS, Kiley for BONILLA, Kim. |
2 | 82:55 | WVU | Shot by WVU EVERRETT, Deana HIGH. |
2 | 83:47 | WF | Header Shot by WF Sarah Winslow, SAVE BECK, Mallory. |
2 | 84:18 | WF | WF substitution: Whitney Berry for Laura Colven. |
2 | 84:54 | WVU | Corner kick by WVU BANKS, Ashley. |
2 | 85:07 | WVU | WVU substitution: BONILLA, Kim for HARRIS, Kiley. |
2 | 86:25 | WF | Shot by WF Amy Smerdzinski BLOCKED. |
2 | 86:31 | WF | Corner kick by WF Kaley Fountain. |
2 | 86:50 | WF | WF substitution: Caitlin Farrell for Allie Sadow. |
2 | 86:59 | WF | Header GOAL by WF Ashley Burney, Assist by Kaley Fountain, goal number 1 for season. |
2 | | WF | *header off corner, far post |
2 | 87:40 | WF | WF substitution: Allie Sadow for Caitlin Farrell. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | | WF | Foul on Wake Forest. |
2 | 88:27 | WVU | Shot by WVU BONILLA, Kim WIDE. |
2 | 88:32 | WVU | Corner kick by WVU BONILLA, Kim. |
2 | 88:50 | WVU | Shot by WVU BLANK, Carolyn WIDE. |
2 | 89:47 | WF | Shot by WF Allie Sadow WIDE. |
2 | 90:00 | WVU | End of period [90:00]. |