James Madison vs West Virginia
September 5, 2024 at Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium, Morgantown, WV

Attendance: 1,046
Stadium: Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium
Goals by Period
James Madison000
West Virginia112
mid10Lexi Vanderlinden1000
mid22Ariana Reyes0000
mid28Sophia Verrecchia0000
gk21Sofia DeCerb0000
fwd15Amanda Attanasi0000
fwd27Ginny Lackey2000
def2Shea Collins0000
def80Soleil Flores0000
def88Jordan Yang0000
*24Ella Stanley0000
*36Tali Rovner1000
 12Ellie Farrell0000
 13Abby Fisher0000
 14Francesca Donovan0000
 16London Lewis0000
 19Ellie Cook0000
 23Maronne Suzuki0000
 5Jamie Swartz2100
 6Lizzie Gillen0000
 8Brooke Potter0000
mid15Lilly McCarthy1100
mid4AJ Rodriguez0000
gk0Bailey Herfurth0000
fwd12Olivia Shertzer1001
fwd18Dilary Heredia-Beltran4200
fwd21Ajanae Respass2220
fwd5Taylor White3101
def13Annika Leslie0000
def17Lisa Schöppl0000
def33Roxanne Vilain0000
def37Gianna Koss1000
 1Aria Bilal0000
 11Jordyn Wilson1000
 22Chloe Adler0000
 28Mackenzie Smith0000
 3Jacey Rase0000
 8Gabby Lamparty0000
 9Abbey Olexa0000
21Sofia DeCerb90:0024
0Bailey Herfurth49:4300
28Mackenzie Smith40:1701
Shots By Period
James Madison156
West Virginia8513
Saves By Period
James Madison314
West Virginia011
Corner Kicks
James Madison202
West Virginia516
James Madison426
West Virginia246
Scoring Summary
#TimeTeamGoal ScorerAssistDescription
118:49WVUAjanae Respass
247:43WVUAjanae Respass
Cautions and ejections: Yellow-Olivia Shertzer (WVU) 07:27, Red-Bailey Herfurth (WVU) 49:43, Yellow-Gianna Koss (WVU) 56:00, Yellow-Amanda Attanasi (JMU) 12:53, Yellow-Sophia Verrecchia (JMU) 55:48
Offsides: James Madison 0, West Virginia 1
100:00WVUHerfurth, Bailey at goalie for West Virginia
100:00JMUDeCerb, Sofia at goalie for James Madison
101:54JMUFoul on Collins, Shea.
104:06JMUCorner kick [04:06].
106:39WVUFoul on White, Taylor.
107:27WVUYellow card on WVU Shertzer, Olivia.
108:40WVUShot by WVU Heredia-Beltran, Dilary, bottom right, saved by DeCerb, Sofia.
112:53JMUYellow card on JMU Attanasi, Amanda.
116:16JMUCorner kick [16:16].
117:08WVUFoul on McCarthy, Lilly.
118:49WVUGOAL by WVU Respass, Ajanae Assist by Shertzer, Olivia.
122:51JMUFoul on Rovner, Tali.
123:58WVUShot by WVU White, Taylor, bottom center, saved by DeCerb, Sofia.
128:48WVUWVU substitution: Wilson, Jordyn for Rodriguez, AJ.
128:48WVUWVU substitution: Adler, Chloe for White, Taylor.
128:48JMUJMU substitution: Gillen, Lizzie for Flores, Soleil.
129:43WVUCorner kick [29:43].
130:15WVUShot by WVU Wilson, Jordyn.
132:44WVUWVU substitution: Olexa, Abbey for Respass, Ajanae.
132:44JMUJMU substitution: Donovan, Francesca for Attanasi, Amanda.
132:44JMUJMU substitution: Farrell, Ellie for Reyes, Ariana.
133:27JMUShot by JMU Lackey, Ginny.
135:31WVUShot by WVU Heredia-Beltran, Dilary.
135:53WVUCorner kick [35:53].
136:50JMUFoul on Vanderlinden, Lexi.
137:43WVUShot by WVU Shertzer, Olivia.
138:18WVUWVU substitution: Bilal, Aria for Schöppl, Lisa.
138:18WVUWVU substitution: Lamparty, Gabby for Heredia-Beltran, Dilary.
138:18JMUJMU substitution: Potter, Brooke for Collins, Shea.
138:18JMUJMU substitution: Suzuki, Maronne for Vanderlinden, Lexi.
138:18JMUJMU substitution: Lewis, London for Lackey, Ginny.
140:01WVUCorner kick [40:01].
140:53JMUFoul on Verrecchia, Sophia.
141:08WVUCorner kick [41:08].
141:48WVUShot by WVU Koss, Gianna, out right.
142:15WVUCorner kick [42:15].
142:25WVUShot by WVU McCarthy, Lilly, bottom center, saved by DeCerb, Sofia.
145:00WVUEnd of period [45:00].
245:00WVUStart of 2nd period [45:00].
245:00JMUFOR JMU: , #21 DeCerb, Sofia, #2 Collins, Shea, #23 Suzuki, Maronne, #10 Vanderlinden, Lexi, #15 Attanasi, Amanda, #24 Stanley, Ella, #27 Lackey, Ginny, #28 Verrecchia, Sophia, #36 Rovner, Tali, #80 Flores, Soleil, #88 Yang, Jordan.
245:00WVUFOR WVU: , #0 Herfurth, Bailey, #4 Rodriguez, AJ, #5 White, Taylor, #12 Shertzer, Olivia, #13 Leslie, Annika, #15 McCarthy, Lilly, #17 Schöppl, Lisa, #18 Heredia-Beltran, Dilary, #21 Respass, Ajanae, #33 Vilain, Roxanne, #37 Koss, Gianna.
245:00WVUWVU substitution: Rodriguez, AJ for Wilson, Jordyn.
245:00WVUWVU substitution: White, Taylor for Adler, Chloe.
245:00WVUWVU substitution: Schöppl, Lisa for Bilal, Aria.
245:00WVUWVU substitution: Heredia-Beltran, Dilary for Lamparty, Gabby.
245:00WVUWVU substitution: Respass, Ajanae for Olexa, Abbey.
245:00JMUJMU substitution: Collins, Shea for Potter, Brooke.
245:00JMUJMU substitution: Vanderlinden, Lexi for Donovan, Francesca.
245:00JMUJMU substitution: Attanasi, Amanda for Farrell, Ellie.
245:00JMUJMU substitution: Lackey, Ginny for Lewis, London.
245:00JMUJMU substitution: Flores, Soleil for Gillen, Lizzie.
245:55WVUShot by WVU White, Taylor, out right.
247:43WVUGOAL by WVU Respass, Ajanae Assist by White, Taylor.
249:43WVURed card on WVU Herfurth, Bailey.
249:43WVUWVU substitution: Smith, Mackenzie for Respass, Ajanae.
250:42JMUShot by JMU Lackey, Ginny, out right.
252:12JMUShot by JMU Rovner, Tali, out right.
253:15JMUJMU substitution: Donovan, Francesca for Attanasi, Amanda.
255:48JMUYellow card on JMU Verrecchia, Sophia.
256:00WVUYellow card on WVU Koss, Gianna.
256:37JMUJMU substitution: Reyes, Ariana for Suzuki, Maronne.
260:35JMUFoul on Lackey, Ginny.
261:33WVUWVU substitution: Adler, Chloe for McCarthy, Lilly.
261:53WVUShot by WVU Heredia-Beltran, Dilary, out top.
263:37WVUWVU substitution: Wilson, Jordyn for White, Taylor.
263:37JMUJMU substitution: Farrell, Ellie for Lackey, Ginny.
263:37WVUFoul on Wilson, Jordyn.
265:16WVUWVU substitution: Rase, Jacey for Heredia-Beltran, Dilary.
265:16JMUJMU substitution: Fisher, Abby for Collins, Shea.
265:16JMUJMU substitution: Attanasi, Amanda for Flores, Soleil.
267:30WVUWVU substitution: Respass, Ajanae for Rodriguez, AJ.
268:48JMUShot by JMU Vanderlinden, Lexi, out top.
269:05WVUWVU substitution: Lamparty, Gabby for Schöppl, Lisa.
271:02WVUFoul on Wilson, Jordyn.
273:48JMUJMU substitution: Lackey, Ginny for Reyes, Ariana.
273:48JMUJMU substitution: Flores, Soleil for Donovan, Francesca.
273:48JMUJMU substitution: Swartz, Jamie for Farrell, Ellie.
275:28JMUShot by JMU Swartz, Jamie, bottom right, saved by Smith, Mackenzie.
278:33WVUWVU substitution: Rodriguez, AJ for Respass, Ajanae.
278:33WVUWVU substitution: White, Taylor for Adler, Chloe.
279:08WVUShot by WVU White, Taylor, out right.
280:16WVUWVU substitution: Heredia-Beltran, Dilary for Rase, Jacey.
281:27WVUCorner kick [81:27].
281:46WVUWVU substitution: Schöppl, Lisa for Lamparty, Gabby.
281:46JMUJMU substitution: Collins, Shea for Rovner, Tali.
282:50WVUFoul on Koss, Gianna.
283:09JMUYellow card on JMU TEAM.
283:25JMUFoul on Swartz, Jamie.
284:01WVUFoul on Shertzer, Olivia.
284:45JMUShot by JMU Swartz, Jamie, out left.
285:09JMUJMU substitution: Cook, Ellie for Flores, Soleil.
286:51WVUShot by WVU Heredia-Beltran, Dilary, bottom left, saved by DeCerb, Sofia.
288:06WVUOffside against West Virginia.
290:00WVUEnd of period [90:00].