Period | Clock | Team | Text |
1 | 00:00 | WVU | Smith, Mackenzie at goalie for West Virginia |
1 | 00:00 | UK | Dawe, Sophie at goalie for Kansas |
1 | 01:50 | UK | Foul on Wimes, Saige. |
1 | 02:50 | UK | Offside against Kansas. |
1 | 04:11 | WVU | Foul on Rodriguez, AJ. |
1 | 04:56 | WVU | Foul on White, Taylor. |
1 | 06:18 | UK | Corner kick [06:18]. |
1 | 07:12 | WVU | Foul on White, Taylor. |
1 | 08:54 | UK | Shot by KU Gregorski, Jillian, out right. |
1 | 14:07 | WVU | Corner kick [14:07]. |
1 | 14:42 | WVU | Shot by WVU Schöppl, Lisa, out right. |
1 | 15:11 | UK | KU substitution: Fjelstad, Jordan for Tobin, Emily. |
1 | 15:31 | UK | Foul on Gregorski, Jillian. |
1 | 16:28 | WVU | Corner kick [16:28]. |
1 | 16:28 | UK | KU substitution: Knust, Raena for Kante, Assa. |
1 | 16:28 | WVU | GOAL by WVU Respass, Ajanae Assist by McCarthy, Lilly. |
1 | 18:07 | UK | Foul on Watts, Lexi. |
1 | 18:31 | WVU | Corner kick [18:31]. |
1 | 20:05 | UK | Yellow card on KU Fjelstad, Jordan. |
1 | 20:46 | WVU | Foul on Schöppl, Lisa. |
1 | 23:07 | WVU | WVU substitution: Adler, Chloe for Rodriguez, AJ. |
1 | 23:47 | WVU | Foul on Heredia-Beltran, Dilary. |
1 | 25:13 | UK | Shot by KU Knust, Raena. |
1 | 25:40 | WVU | Foul on Heredia-Beltran, Dilary. |
1 | 27:17 | WVU | WVU substitution: Wilson, Jordyn for Heredia-Beltran, Dilary. |
1 | 27:41 | UK | Foul on Fjelstad, Jordan. |
1 | 27:49 | WVU | Foul on Respass, Ajanae. |
1 | 30:36 | WVU | WVU substitution: Lamparty, Gabby for Schöppl, Lisa. |
1 | 31:51 | UK | Corner kick [31:51]. |
1 | 32:04 | UK | KU substitution: Ryan, Shea for Gregorski, Jillian. |
1 | 33:56 | UK | Foul on Merlo, Makayla. |
1 | 34:30 | WVU | Foul on McCarthy, Lilly. |
1 | 34:54 | UK | Yellow card on KU Ryan, Shea. |
1 | 35:47 | UK | Corner kick [35:47]. |
1 | 36:30 | UK | Shot by KU Knust, Raena, out top left. |
1 | 36:52 | WVU | WVU substitution: Bilal, Aria for White, Taylor. |
1 | 36:52 | WVU | WVU substitution: Olexa, Abbey for McCarthy, Lilly. |
1 | 36:52 | WVU | WVU substitution: Levy, Maddie for Respass, Ajanae. |
1 | 36:52 | UK | KU substitution: Kawagishi, Emika for Knust, Raena. |
1 | 37:05 | WVU | Foul on Shertzer, Olivia. |
1 | 38:00 | UK | Shot by KU Merlo, Makayla, bottom right, saved by Smith, Mackenzie. |
1 | 38:00 | UK | GOAL by KU Wimes, Saige. |
1 | 39:05 | WVU | Foul on Levy, Maddie. |
1 | 39:24 | UK | KU substitution: Nickel, Sophia for Wimes, Saige. |
1 | 39:53 | UK | Foul on Ryan, Shea. |
1 | 41:01 | UK | KU substitution: Cronholm, Ebba for Ryan, Shea. |
1 | 42:23 | WVU | Foul on Leslie, Annika. |
1 | 42:57 | UK | Shot by KU Kawagishi, Emika, bottom center, saved by Smith, Mackenzie. |
1 | 43:42 | WVU | Shot by WVU Olexa, Abbey, bottom center, saved by Dawe, Sophie. |
1 | 43:59 | WVU | WVU substitution: Riggins, Alicia for Bilal, Aria. |
1 | 44:48 | UK | Foul on Nickel, Sophia. |
1 | 45:00 | WVU | End of period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | Start of 2nd period [45:00]. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | FOR KU : , #00 Dawe, Sophie, #2 Page, Olivia, #4 Wimes, Saige, #5 Boeve, Mackenzie, #8 Langfelder, Kate, #12 Merlo, Makayla, #15 Castans, Caroline, #17 Tobin, Emily, #34 Gregorski, Jillian, #25 Hammontree, Mackenzie, #9 Cronholm, Ebba. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | FOR WVU: , #28 Smith, Mackenzie, #4 Rodriguez, AJ, #5 White, Taylor, #12 Shertzer, Olivia, #13 Leslie, Annika, #15 McCarthy, Lilly, #17 Schöppl, Lisa, #18 Heredia-Beltran, Dilary, #21 Respass, Ajanae, #24 Ingleton, Nyema, #37 Koss, Gianna. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Rodriguez, AJ for Adler, Chloe. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: White, Taylor for Riggins, Alicia. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: McCarthy, Lilly for Olexa, Abbey. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Schöppl, Lisa for Lamparty, Gabby. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Heredia-Beltran, Dilary for Wilson, Jordyn. |
2 | 45:00 | WVU | WVU substitution: Respass, Ajanae for Levy, Maddie. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | KU substitution: Wimes, Saige for Nickel, Sophia. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | KU substitution: Tobin, Emily for Kawagishi, Emika. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | KU substitution: Gregorski, Jillian for Fjelstad, Jordan. |
2 | 45:00 | UK | KU substitution: Hammontree, Mackenzie for Watts, Lexi. |
2 | 51:40 | UK | Foul on Gregorski, Jillian. |
2 | 52:24 | WVU | Shot by WVU McCarthy, Lilly, out left. |
2 | 54:11 | UK | KU substitution: Watts, Lexi for Gregorski, Jillian. |
2 | 55:06 | WVU | Foul on Respass, Ajanae. |
2 | 55:22 | UK | Foul on Watts, Lexi. |
2 | 56:01 | WVU | Shot by WVU White, Taylor, out left. |
2 | 56:39 | UK | Offside against Kansas. |
2 | 56:45 | WVU | WVU substitution: Lamparty, Gabby for Schöppl, Lisa. |
2 | 59:44 | WVU | Corner kick [59:44]. |
2 | 60:45 | WVU | Shot by WVU White, Taylor, bottom center, saved by Dawe, Sophie. |
2 | 60:45 | WVU | GOAL by WVU Rodriguez, AJ. |
2 | 60:58 | UK | KU substitution: Knust, Raena for Hammontree, Mackenzie. |
2 | 61:41 | UK | Shot by KU Merlo, Makayla, right woodwork. |
2 | 61:59 | UK | KU substitution: Fjelstad, Jordan for Tobin, Emily. |
2 | 63:10 | WVU | WVU substitution: Olexa, Abbey for Respass, Ajanae. |
2 | 64:02 | UK | Yellow card on KU Knust, Raena. |
2 | 64:01 | WVU | Corner kick [64:01]. |
2 | 66:36 | UK | KU substitution: Nickel, Sophia for Knust, Raena. |
2 | 66:36 | UK | KU substitution: Kawagishi, Emika for Cronholm, Ebba. |
2 | 66:58 | WVU | Shot by WVU White, Taylor, out right. |
2 | 68:02 | WVU | WVU substitution: Wilson, Jordyn for Heredia-Beltran, Dilary. |
2 | 70:06 | WVU | Offside against West Virginia. |
2 | 70:29 | WVU | GOAL by WVU Olexa, Abbey Assist by Wilson, Jordyn. |
2 | 70:29 | WVU | WVU substitution: Riggins, Alicia for Olexa, Abbey. |
2 | 70:29 | UK | KU substitution: Kante, Assa for Nickel, Sophia. |
2 | 71:38 | UK | Corner kick [71:38]. |
2 | 74:47 | WVU | Shot by WVU White, Taylor, bottom right, saved by Dawe, Sophie. |
2 | 74:58 | WVU | Shot by WVU White, Taylor, out top right. |
2 | 75:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Adler, Chloe for Rodriguez, AJ. |
2 | 75:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Schöppl, Lisa for White, Taylor. |
2 | 75:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Respass, Ajanae for Lamparty, Gabby. |
2 | 75:24 | WVU | WVU substitution: Heredia-Beltran, Dilary for Riggins, Alicia. |
2 | 75:24 | UK | KU substitution: Gregorski, Jillian for Kawagishi, Emika. |
2 | 76:19 | UK | KU substitution: Hammontree, Mackenzie for Merlo, Makayla. |
2 | 76:19 | UK | KU substitution: Ryan, Shea for Wimes, Saige. |
2 | 77:03 | UK | Shot by KU Langfelder, Kate, out top. |
2 | 77:47 | UK | Foul on Fjelstad, Jordan. |
2 | 78:29 | UK | KU substitution: Minard, Emily for Fjelstad, Jordan. |
2 | 79:03 | WVU | Yellow card on WVU Schöppl, Lisa. |
2 | 80:17 | WVU | Corner kick [80:17]. |
2 | 80:47 | WVU | Shot by WVU Wilson, Jordyn. |
2 | 80:52 | WVU | Shot by WVU Respass, Ajanae, out left. |
2 | 83:25 | UK | KU substitution: Merlo, Makayla for Langfelder, Kate. |
2 | 83:25 | UK | KU substitution: Wimes, Saige for Watts, Lexi. |
2 | 84:43 | WVU | WVU substitution: White, Taylor for McCarthy, Lilly. |
2 | 84:43 | WVU | WVU substitution: Rodriguez, AJ for Wilson, Jordyn. |
2 | 85:12 | UK | Corner kick [85:12]. |
2 | 85:37 | UK | GOAL by KU Ryan, Shea Assist by Page, Olivia and Merlo, Makayla. |
2 | 85:37 | UK | KU substitution: Knust, Raena for Ryan, Shea. |
2 | 85:37 | UK | KU substitution: Watts, Lexi for Merlo, Makayla. |
2 | 85:37 | UK | KU substitution: Langfelder, Kate for Hammontree, Mackenzie. |
2 | 87:00 | WVU | Yellow card on WVU Smith, Mackenzie. |
2 | 88:14 | WVU | Foul on Schöppl, Lisa. |
2 | 88:39 | UK | Shot by KU Watts, Lexi, out top. |
2 | 90:00 | WVU | End of period [90:00]. |